Planning the Landscape Ecology Course for the Bachelor of LA Programme

About to teach one of my favourite subjects, ecology. The Landscape Ecology course at the university has focused on species and ecosystem ecology. As landscape architects, the students need to learn about the landscape scale of ecology, which has been covered briefly in the third year GIS course and Resource Planning Studio. I think that there is a need to do in depth into the relationship between landscape metrics and ecological principles. Quite excited about it. Thinking of several ways to do it – blended, flip or jigsaw-based classrooms, incorporating technology in teaching. I also think that I need to introduce the genetic scale of biodiversity as an introduction. Start small, from the atom to the cell to the genes, and then species and upwards. Unfortunately, the Ecology Studio will be carried out next semester, not in tandem with this one. Otherwise I could have planned the activities with the Studio work. Nonetheless, this course will prepare them for the Studio next semester.